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Showing posts from October, 2017

illuminati confirmed?

Sometimes, I like to think about how things are labeled as true or false and good or bad. It is very easy to decide whether statements are true. I could say that I am wearing a blue sweater, for example, and this statement would be true or false in the world that we are in. Since I am not wearing a blue sweatshirt, this sentence would be false. It is much harder to define what it means for an argument to be good. If I say: “All bananas are yellow. I am holding a banana. Therefore, I am holding a yellow banana,” intuitively, you would call this a good argument, but why? Is it because we know that it is, indeed, true that if I were holding a banana it would be yellow? If this were the way in which we define whether an argument is good, we could run into some problems. Consider the following argument: “All bananas are blue. Therefore, all bananas are yellow.”   Here, our conclusion is true in our world, but it’s hard to say that the argument is a good one. Thus, I like to evaluate a...

I've always wanted to go there!

Being from a country with pretty pictures online, I am frequently asked: “Oh wow, you’re from Argentina? I have always wanted to go there!” by people I meet. I usually respond something along the lines of: “Yeah you should go some time.” But I have never actually lived in Argentina; the longest I have stayed there is for two months. When my parents are asked this very question, their responses are usually: “Yeah we’re from Argentina. You would probably want to stay away, and if you do end up going, don’t stay for too long.” Obviously they came to America, so one would expect them to at least prefer America over Argentina as a place to live, but I’ve decided to do a bit of research into why they see Argentina as such bad place. From what I have heard my parents complain about, it seems as though their frustration stems from the immense amount of corruption in Argentina and how easily it is all covered up and forgotten. Take Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for example. She was Arge...